Text Section

A Text section contains html formatted text. Once you select a Text section, the formatting tools appear in the Top Toolbar.

Common text formatting tools

Contains the following tools: Undo, Redo, Bold, Italic, Underline, Align (Left, Center, Right, Justify), Numbered List, Bullet List, Text Color, Clear Formatting.

Blocks drop down tool

Select whether the current text block is a paragraph or a heading.

Panels drop down tool

Adds a responsive set of panels that are displayed horizontaly on large screens and verically on mobile screens. This way you can control how the content in the panels will appear on various devices and screen sizes.

Search royalty free image tool

Allows you to search royalty free images to add in your website. Click to open the search dialog. Select the orientation, type a keyword in the search box and press enter to see the results. Double click an image to place it at the cursor position. There are currently no fees for using this tool.

Upload image tool

Click to select a file from your computer. The image is immediately uploaded and placed at the cursor position. You can click and align the image left or right using the alignment buttons.

Upload video tool

You can upload small videos to your account. Click to select a file from your computer. The video is immediately uploaded and placed at the cursor position. You can click and align the video left or right using the alignment buttons. This tool is meant for small videos only. For large videos please use an external service like YouTube and embed them using the Embed Section

Link tool

The link tool allows you to insert links in your text. Highlight the text you want to make linkable and click the link tool to enter the url. You can make a link appear like a button by selecting a class in the link tool window.